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Dalbergia Cearensis

King Wood

 Shop Specialty Wood 


Family: Fabaceae or Leguminosae, the legume family

Origin: Northern Brazil.

Other common names: Violetwood, Violete.

The tree: It is not a large tree rarely exceeding 55 ft. with a bole diameter of 10 in. The branches and leaves are smooth and glossy. The leaves consist of 5 to 7 foliate non-persistent stipules.

Appearance: It varies from a vivid violet-brown to almost black and has contrasting darker and lighter streaks of golden yellow. It has a fine, even texture varying from straight to wavy and has a rich luster.

DensityAverage reported specific gravity is 0.92(ovendry weight/green volume), equal to an air-dried weight of 75 pcf. Janka hardness is 3340 pounds of force.

Drying & shrinkage: A small amount of checking occurs during shipment, but once it is dried and seasoned it stays in place with little or no expansion. Shrinkage values are not available.

Working properties: The wood is not hard to work with provided sharp tools are used. It finishes well and polishes to a fine gloss that tones as it ages to a metallic sheen. Possible adverse reactions from the dust include irritation to skin and eyes.

Durability: Kingwood has a high durability.

Uses: Kingwood is well named, being truly the wood of kings. It is among the most expensive commercial wood species and it has unmatched beauty. It is used mostly in turnings and as veneer in inlays and marquetry.

Availability: The exportation of kingwood is limited and it is very scarce on a commercial scale. It is quite expensive when available.


 Shop Specialty Wood